Wednesday, March 02, 2005


Every time I look at you I forget all worries, your smile makes my problems melt so far away, your hands, every time they hold me gives me the strength to carry on, to shelter you, to protect you, every time your upset my heart falls in the pit of my tummy and I feel queasy and sad, every time you cry I'm there to wipe your tears, I hurt when I see your tears they are as precious to me as the rarest pearls and diamonds, I cry with you at times when I'm unable to take your pain away and at times I cry secretly doubting myself whether I'll be good enough for you. Every time I hear you I feel like an excited little girl lost in a candy store and every time you snuggle with me I experience a little bit of heaven...our heaven... Just you and me... You have given me the reason to hope and feel real, you have saved me from myself and I'm thankful to you, you have taught me how to live and love from a broken heart, you have made me strong enough to stand up with skimmed knees and half lost faith. You make my world real and I love you unconditionally my son.
( after writing this post I realized what a parents love is for their child, it's also dedicated to both my parents who have been the ray of hope and strength in my life, I love you mom & dad)

Thursday, February 17, 2005


"Tomorrow is not promised, nor is today. So I choose to celebrate every day I'm alive by being present in it. Living in the present means letting go of the past and not waiting for the future"

Oprah Winfrey

Wednesday, February 16, 2005

In the winds of heavens she danced...

February being the month of love..and going all red..but for some this red is more haunting then comforting..but then again love comes in all shapes and all can love your mom..your siblings..or even your favourite is somthing very deep and mostly needs no explanation or introduction..but in my openion love is the name given to a bunch of feelings combined....i know it doesnt make any sense...was reading about a friend today and the only thing my mind could come up with was to let him know sumthing...i just hope he goes through this..this one goes out to u:)

Remember to let the winds of heaven dance between you as this new relationship evolves. There will be a gradual development and steady progress as this relationship undergoes changes. You have progressed far enough to feel safety in your position. Face the future reassured that you are where you are supposed to be at this point in the relationship. This is a time of non-action, time not to make decisions. Deep transformational forces are at work now. This will strengthen your ability to wait and play it out. Let go and reclaim your power. There are considerable frustrations in your life. Doubtful situations are abundant and come in many forms. You have the opportunity to recognize where your true nourishment lies. Dispel the darkness that somehow has been clouding your life. This is a time of joy and light. There will be a mutual opening in your relationship, the timekeeper allows the awareness of light between you both again. This opening is for seriousness, clear intent and concentration. This is a time to restore balance, practice restraint. Time opens up new beginnings within every relationship.

Love is quiet understanding and mature acceptance of imperfection. It gives you strength and grows beyond you. You are warmed by his presence no matter what or who he is with. Love is patience. Love is friendship. Love is trust. Love is real.

You know who you are and what inspired this...

Tuesday, February 15, 2005


Shimmering Energy is the energy within us all, the magic within us all, it is the essence of our souls. Magic is the power of your imagination as it is expressed through "a harmonious marriage of intellect and intuition. Magic denotes the practical fusion of Art, Science, and Spiritual Wisdom, evoking the alchemist’s symbolic quest: to turn lead into gold, transmute the base into the noble. Magic is a fun word that suggests serendipity, spontaneity, creativity and productivity beyond all expectations." Shimmering Energy or Magic is the beauty of the heavens, the single raindrop landing on your hand, the smile of a child, the purr of a cat. Magic abounds in this world - all you need is your imagination and the belief that magic is there for taking, that it is there within yourself.

My works reflects this magic or energy, the essence of my soul. I only create what is in my head, I see beauty in every day things and I try to create that beauty in the form of art as to express that beauty so that others may see the shimmering energy which is the music of my soul.

Magic is the music in your head, the words that take shape to form a story, a thought, a post, a poem, a design. Magic is the dance in your step, the performance in your heart. Magic is all around us, open up your eyes and see the world through the shimmering energy of magic, magic happens. You only need to look for it. I believe that magic happens and everything happens for a reason.

Being with him is also magic...that shimmers as the north star in my life..guides me through darkness and was magic when i first saw him..magic when we first spoke...magic surrounds the laps of our the hands of our the closed fists of our the smiles of our siblings...all is but magic..shimmering magic that glitters through the night...

Shimmering Energy

Poetry that speaks from the heart

broken marble perhaps my ocean

Trust her secret magic for this web remembers translucent peace

learn the sacred rhythm of her universe
celebrate and embrace the healing breeze

Linger long

for their ghost work must seep and voice to
drink blue air down like brilliant smoke

For women did bring life wet and warm changing old from young
flowering home was glass
but every blush delicious eternity

Kissing thy naked man with soft tender breath
streams deep open desire
piercing blind fire in my sky
flowing shimmering clouds of energy

Monday, February 14, 2005


Happy and sad...more like an emotional roller coaster the effects of my so called " asking for hand in marraige" wear off the world becomes clearer again...but only the still CONFUSSED..not about him or me..not about my relationship.. but about this bunch of feelings running like electric shocks through my body! Women have too many feelings! URRRGGHHHH...its like all women can do is feel...too many emotions ...some of 'em even which i can not figure out! everyday turns out to be a rather dramatic, eventful day..or maybe there is a lot of drama in my content with the drama and my life.. on the whole the grey turns into beautiful, bright orange, there is happiness in the sadness..but victory in the loss! i lost today but gained all...and im happy..

Standing in the middle
a rose in bloom
dressed as a glowing bride..
she waits..
with beholding fear
palms all sweaty
its her first time
she waits as silence prevails
a haunting silence
a silence that judges her...
with a watchful eye
and she waits..
afraid of what is to come
afraid of what would become
but she waits...

A Girl In The Wings...

a friend in the night
a girl in the wings
a life waiting
for the magical moment
a steel tree born
a tear slowly drowning
a kiss
a need
only a friend?
emotions running high
energies of past
influencing feelings
reading it wrong
guessing without talking
didn't hear all of the comment
could have been more
than a friend?
a girl in the wings
pushing down feelings
down into the night
steel tree is born...

Sunday, February 13, 2005

a new begining??

well well..first and new to this..usually the coherrent ramblings of my mind are stacked away on blank pages that are now covered with dust! i guess before starting out my scattered thoughts i would like to thank my friend who introduced me to this high-tech system of i sit here infront of the computer my mind goes blank and my heart beat quickens.. all of a sudden im not very comfortable with anyone reading my thoughts..and this unknown fear grips me...i have always remained a mystery to everyone around me and just the fact that someone, anyone might just barge in and grab my thoughts completely shakes me!...well for those who dont know me i wud give a little introduction of passionate about my words and pocessive about my thoughts..maybe this blogging thing would prove to be a road to self discovery..somthing that my scattered thoughts would its time to discard the dairies and embrace the computers...i any other am hesitant towards change..but i welcome it..lets see how far it takes me..