Sunday, February 13, 2005

a new begining??

well well..first and new to this..usually the coherrent ramblings of my mind are stacked away on blank pages that are now covered with dust! i guess before starting out my scattered thoughts i would like to thank my friend who introduced me to this high-tech system of i sit here infront of the computer my mind goes blank and my heart beat quickens.. all of a sudden im not very comfortable with anyone reading my thoughts..and this unknown fear grips me...i have always remained a mystery to everyone around me and just the fact that someone, anyone might just barge in and grab my thoughts completely shakes me!...well for those who dont know me i wud give a little introduction of passionate about my words and pocessive about my thoughts..maybe this blogging thing would prove to be a road to self discovery..somthing that my scattered thoughts would its time to discard the dairies and embrace the computers...i any other am hesitant towards change..but i welcome it..lets see how far it takes me..


Naresh said...

Hey Maha... Welcome to the Blogworld!!!
Thts a gud beginning with a post n a pic...
Go ahead and start posting...

Rahul said...

I knew Naresh would initiate people to do this. Anyway. Happy blogging !! :D